My Way: Peggy And Megan Curry

My Way: Peggy And Megan Curry


We are Peggy and Megan Curry, mother-daughter cooking duo, and founders of Curry Girls Kitchen. Peggy has been educating and teaching families around the South Bay how to cook beneficial meals for their families for the past 20 years. Megan’s passion for cooking began her senior year in high school, after her chronic illness led the whole Curry family to be diagnosed gluten-intolerant. In 2012 we founded Curry Girls Kitchen together to teach people how to cook delicious and beneficial gluten-free recipes.


Pegs: I led a Lunch and Learn at Toyota’s corporate headquarters, as part of community outreach for GrowingGreat, our nutrition education organization. Toyota requested us to present ideas for higher quality lunches and snacks. Everyone sampled a farm fresh jujube and a persimmon pumpkin-pie-spiced smoothie while we shared how farmers markets are a wonderful place to take their kids and shop for fresh whole ingredients. They also tasted avocado cilantro hummus with veggies as a yummy quality snack. All forty-five attendees were happy while learning the importance of cooking, sharing dinner together and eating food that benefits their families.

Megs: I spent the day unpacking and juicing after an indulgent week in Austin, Texas. Every so often I have a birthday, event or trip that strays me from my Lifestylestyle, but these times are important in keeping me balanced and reminding me how much I truly love being clean.

Pegs: This evening I went to a Yin Yoga class at the Green Yogi just down the street from our home in Manhattan Beach, California. It was awesome, just what I needed to end a very full day! I seared Chilean sea bass and salmon, sautéed garlicky sugar snap peas with shiitake mushrooms, and served our house salad for dinner.



Pegs: Every day I open my eyes and thank God for my life. Being raised a Jew I recite the Shema prayer. I follow a spiritual practice that I do every morning. I begin my prayers for my home, family, friends and all those in need of healing loving light. I read the Daily Word. I do a practice called Ho’oponopono taught to me 20 years ago by Hawaiian Master Dr. Hew Len. Much of this practice is about love and connecting with your “unihipili”, your inner child, and your higher spirit. I say positive affirmations from Doreen Virtue’s Healing with Angels, and then sit and do the Sutra of Breathing adapted from Jack Kornfield’s Buddhist teachings. Following the breathing Activity I go into a deliciously wonderful meditation. My entire practice takes up to an hour, sometimes more. I start my day off calm, centered and at peace. I’m happy, and so is my mind, body and spirit!

I then go downstairs, drink my lemon water and turn on the teapot for some Tulsi tea. I take my morning supplements that are specific for my body. Our entire family sees a Naturopath, who uses kinesiology to find supplements that best suit our body’s individual immune systems. The supplements I take regularly include a probiotic, magnesium, adrenal, liver, kidney, spleen, and gallbladder support, EFA oils, Lipo C, E, Selenium, CoQ10, enzymes, DIM and Brevail for breast health, calcium, and DHEA.

Megs: I start each morning by reading the Daily Word while lying in bed then walking back to my parents, aka. Curry Farms, 2 miles away. Walking is my form of moving meditation. I walk along the strand in silence, appreciating the beach view, listening to my thoughts and the surrounding noises. I find that I am most insightful and am able to silence whatever I have going on in my mind while I am walking. I am able to be fully present and feel gratitude for my life. It takes me around 20-25 minutes to walk home. When I get there I drink a big glass of water and take my supplements. Everyday I take a probiotic, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, EFA fish oils, and a variety of other herbal supplements to support my liver, hypothalamus, kidneys, gallbladder, and spleen.

When we are finished, we walk down the street to Level 10 Fitness for a cross training workout where my older sister Alex meets us. During the hour, we stretch, warm up, strength train, and end the class with 20-30 minutes of conditioning. It is one of our favorite workouts and never fails to kick our butt!


Pegs: Friday night is Shabbat. Tim and I had a quiet dinner, as all the girls were busy out and about with friends. We lit the Shabbat candles and recited our blessings. For dinner we started out with butternut squash soup and then ate a yummy garlic chicken breast with roasted beets, zucchini, and butternut squash.



Pegs: I woke up very early and got ready to head to Torrance Farmers Market. Today I am picking up the fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers being displayed at Jack Johnson’s LA concert tonight! Eight years ago Jack and his wife Kim launched GrowingGreat’s school garden and nutrition education programs in Hawaii. GrowingGreat teaches thousands of students and families to eat whole, close to the source, minimally-processed foods, the foundation of clean eating! Tonight we are part of Jack’s All at Once non-profit event hosting a booth supporting sustainable local food systems and plastic-free initiatives.


Megs: Every Saturday I work at the Green Yogi studio as an exchange. I help sign students in for the 9:30 class, and then after taking the class, help clean up the studio and prep for the 11am class. It is the best way to keep me active during the weekend with even better perks! I am extremely grateful today for my practice and additionally getting to be a part of Jack Johnson’s From Here to Now to You tour!


Concert Update: The concert at the Orpheum Theater in downtown Los Angeles was amazing! Jack’s show was spectacular! It was a perfect night in every way. Great people, great music, a awesome event!

We are Peggy and Megan Curry, and this is Our Way.

Visit Peggy and Megan at Curry Girls Kitchen to see what they are cooking, or friend them up on Facebook, and visit them on Twitter or Instagram.