What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini yoga is known as the yoga of awareness. It is a technology that awakens you to yourself. This sacred technology blends spiritual and physical practices. Kundalini yoga incorporates breathing techniques (pranayama), movement (kriyas), meditation, and the chanting of mantras. The goal is to build physical vitality to strengthen the nervous system, expand the electromagnetic auric field, and to increase consciousness.

The History of Kundalini Yoga
Prior to 1969, Kundalini yoga was only shared with a select group of spiritually inclined students that were members of certain caste systems. The ancient sacred teachings were highly revered and were not shared with the general public. The well-known spiritual teacher, Yogi Bhajan, is responsible for lifting the veil and sharing the sacred teachings with the masses.
In the 1960s, Yogi Bhajan predicted that humans would become so bombarded with information that it would become difficult for the nervous system to keep up. As a result, he was guided to share the sacred technology of Kundalini yoga with the world. Fast-forward fifty years later and we now see that Yogi Bhajan was indeed onto something. Due to the rapid growth of technology, we have access to so much useless information, consequently, many have become riddled with anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and a lack of focus. Kundalini yoga helps to quiet the noise and bring us back to the divine news outlet that resides within each of us.

How is Kundalini Yoga Different from Other Forms of Yoga?
Kundalini Yoga is quite different from many forms of mainstream yoga that are practiced today. Most forms of yoga that are practiced today, such as Hatha yoga, are very posture intensive. Kundalini yoga does not focus heavily on postures. Kundalini focuses more on the spiritual practice of yoga through pranayama, kriyas, and meditation rather than the physical practice.
Additionally, Kundalini yoga is immensely powerful, and it works amazingly fast. Kundalini Yoga is direct, quick, and a perfect practice for the pace of the modern world. It is believed that twenty-two years of Hatha yoga is equivalent to one year of Kundalini yoga practice. This does not mean that Kundalini yoga is better or more useful than any other form of yoga. Kundalini yoga, just like any other form of yoga, is simply a mode of transportation to increase consciousness. Some might choose to travel on foot, whereas others might choose to travel by car, bus, train, or plane. The mode of transportation to consciousness is irrelevant. We will all find our way using a mode that works best for us. Some might even use multiple forms of transportation on the journey to full consciousness.
Kundalini Yoga and Detoxification
Kundalini yoga can be used as a tool to assist with detoxification. The liver, kidneys, and the colon are three main detoxification organs. Below, you will find a few kundalini yoga kriyas that can be used in conjunction with our Clean 7and/or Clean 21 cleanse programs to promote deeper detoxification.
Let the Liver Live
Stress Set for Adrenals and Kidneys
Kundalini Yoga Set for the Kidneys
Kundalini Yoga for the Liver, Colon, and Stomach
Kundalini Yoga for a Healthy Bowel System
Nahbi Kriya for Digestion
Each kriya can be found on YouTube if you wish to follow along with a practitioner.
In Kundalini yoga, sadhana is a daily spiritual practice that allows one to express the infinite within oneself. It is a daily discipline of the mind and body to serve the soul by keeping the mind clear to accurately guide our actions. This daily devotional practice of yoga and meditation allows one to notice patterns that lead us away from higher consciousness, and to transcend those patterns.
Sadhana is typically practiced during the ambrosial hours also known as Amrit Vela. These hours are usually between 4 AM - 6 AM or two hours prior to sunrise depending on the season. This is the ideal time to engage in sacred devotional practice because the mind is naturally very still during these hours reflecting the stillness of the outside world.
Daily Sadhana Ritual
- Rise at 4 AM
- Consume a soothing or energizing cup of tea such as matcha.
- Practice 3 minutes of pranayama: Alternate Nostril Breathing, Fire Breaths, or Long Deep Breathing.
- Select a kriya to do for the duration of your cleanse or try it for 40 days. In the Kundalini tradition, it is believed that doing a kriya for 40 days will help to break any habits that block you from the expansion that is possible through the kriya.
- Relax deeply on your mat for 11 minutes or more! Deep relaxation will allow your body to integrate the changes that were brought about through your kriya.
- Select a meditation to do for the duration of your cleanse, such as Kirtan Kriya.
- Begin your day with a light heart.
Rising during the ambrosial hours might not be possible for everyone. If this time does not work for you, simply choose a quiet time during your day to complete your daily devotional practice.
Author: Coach Ashley Woods