Try This Lemonade Recipe Now To Better Calm Your Mind

Try This Lemonade Recipe Now To Better Calm Your Mind


Each day, try to sit quietly for a few moments. This moment of revitalization calms and balances us so we can continue throughout our busy days. If you use lavender when you relax or meditate, try using it differently by making this lavender lemonade recipe. Delicious and refreshing, this lemonade recipe is perfect for being still — lavander is a natural calming agent.

Lavender has been used for centuries to treat headaches, relieve stress, and calm the nerves. Add a few sprigs to this delicious lemonade and feel instantly relaxed. Also, the antioxidants in lavender have been known to help get rid of bad bacteria and increase good bacteria in the gut, so it’s the perfect compliment to the Clean Program!

Serves 1

Lavender Lemonade Recipe Ingredients

12-16 ounces fresh water

juice of 1 lemon

stevia to taste (powder or liquid, add slowly and taste as you go, as stevia is super sweet!)

2-4 lavender sprigs (if you want to get fancy, you can freeze them into ice cubes ahead of time!)


In a large glass, stir the water and lemon juice together, then add the stevia to taste.

Let it steep for a few minutes before drinking to let the lavender infuse the lemonade.

If you have frozen lavender ice cubes, you can add a few of those and enjoy!

Recipe: Frank Giglio

Photos: Jenny Nelson