Try This Local Vegetable Frittata For A Supercharged Morning

Try This Local Vegetable Frittata For A Supercharged Morning


This vegetable frittata recipe is simple to pull together in a few minutes no matter what’s in your fridge. It’s made with easy to find local ingredients such as pastured eggs and vegetables. Eggs are not used on the 21-Day Program, so this is perfect for once you have completed your program

As with most Elimination Diets, the Clean Diet removes potentional allergens and food-sensitivities, and eggs are quite high on that list. We highly recommend getting both your eggs and produce from your local Farmer’s Market, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, or Food Cooperative. We love this vegetable frittata recipe because it’s protein and nutrient-packed, it’s flexible, and it supports local businesses and the environment.

Serves 2


6 eggs, from pastured (happy) hens

½ cup coconut milk

1 medium sized onion, sliced thin

3-4 cups diced zucchini and/or summer squash

2 garlic cloves, sliced thin

sea salt, to taste

¼ cup chopped fresh herbs (chives, basil or parsley, whatever you prefer)


Preheat the oven to 350F.

Chop vegetables.


Heat a 5-6 inch oven proof pan (preferably cast iron) over medium-high heat. Melt a few tablespoons of coconut oil, then add the onions and zucchini. Cook until soft. Add the garlic, continue to cook until aromatic and the garlic is golden.


While the veggies are cooking, whisk the eggs, coconut milk, chopped herbs, and sea salt.


Pour the egg mixture into the vegetable pan then transfer into the oven.


Bake for about 15-25 minutes (size of pan will determine how long it takes in the oven).


Once the center of the vegetable frittata is “set” (you can use a toothpick or fork to check), remove from the oven and serve with or over mixed salad greens.


Recipe//Frank Giglio
Photography//Jenny Nelson

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